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Outliers, High-Leverage & Influential Points

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Outliers, High-Leverage & Influential Points


Understanding outliers, high-leverage points, and influential points is crucial in statistical analysis, particularly within the realm of scatterplots and regression. These concepts help in identifying data points that significantly deviate from the overall pattern, potentially impacting the results of regression models. For College Board AP Statistics students, mastering these topics enhances the ability to interpret data accurately and build robust statistical models.

Key Concepts

1. Outliers

An outlier is a data point that differs significantly from other observations in a dataset. Outliers can occur due to variability in the data or measurement errors. Identifying outliers is essential as they can influence statistical analyses, potentially leading to misleading results.

Types of Outliers:

  • Univariate Outliers: These are outliers in a single variable, identifiable through methods like box plots or z-scores.
  • Multivariate Outliers: These occur when a combination of variables deviates from the general pattern, detectable using techniques like Mahalanobis distance.

Impact on Data Analysis:

  • Can skew mean and standard deviation, affecting the overall analysis.
  • Might influence the slope and intercept in regression models.
  • Potentially mask true relationships between variables.

2. High-Leverage Points

High-leverage points are observations that have extreme predictor (independent variable) values. These points can exert significant influence on the position and slope of the regression line due to their distance from the mean of the predictor variables.


  • Computed using leverage values, which range between 0 and 1.
  • Leverage values greater than $2\frac{p}{n}$, where $p$ is the number of predictors and $n$ is the sample size, are typically considered high.

Effects on Regression Analysis:

  • Can disproportionately affect the slope of the regression line.
  • May lead to overfitting if not addressed appropriately.
  • Potential to distort the overall fit of the model.

3. Influential Points

Influential points are observations that have a substantial impact on the estimated regression coefficients. These points can be outliers, high-leverage points, or both, and they can significantly alter the regression model's results.

Detection Methods:

  • Cook's Distance: Measures the change in regression coefficients when a specific data point is removed. Values greater than 1 are typically considered influential.
  • DFFITS: Assesses the difference in predicted values when a data point is excluded. Values beyond $2\sqrt{\frac{p}{n}}$ indicate potential influence.
  • DFBETAS: Evaluates the change in each regression coefficient. Values exceeding $2/\sqrt{n}$ suggest influential points.


  • Can lead to biased or inconsistent parameter estimates.
  • May distort the interpretation of predictor effects.
  • Essential to identify and assess whether to retain or remove influential points based on context.

4. Distinguishing Between Outliers, High-Leverage, and Influential Points

While these terms are related, they describe different characteristics of data points:

  • Outliers: Deviate significantly in the response variable.
  • High-Leverage Points: Have extreme predictor variable values.
  • Influential Points: Affect the regression model's estimates substantially.

It's possible for a data point to be all three, but each characteristic should be assessed independently to understand its impact fully.

5. Addressing Outliers and Influential Points

Once identified, it's important to decide how to handle outliers and influential points based on their cause and impact:

  • Verification: Ensure data points are not errors before deciding to exclude them.
  • Transformation: Apply transformations to reduce the influence of extreme values.
  • Robust Regression: Utilize regression methods that are less sensitive to outliers.
  • Contextual Decision: Retain or remove points based on their relevance to the study's purpose.

6. Mathematical Representation

The impact of high-leverage and influential points can be quantified using statistical measures:

Leverage (Hii):

Leverage for the ith observation is calculated as:

$$ H_{ii} = \mathbf{x}_i (\mathbf{X}^T \mathbf{X})^{-1} \mathbf{x}_i^T $$

Where $\mathbf{x}_i$ is the predictor vector for the ith observation.

Cook's Distance (Di):

Cook's Distance measures the influence of the ith observation:

$$ D_i = \frac{e_i^2}{p \cdot MSE} \cdot \frac{H_{ii}}{(1 - H_{ii})^2} $$

Where $e_i$ is the residual, $p$ is the number of predictors, and $MSE$ is the Mean Squared Error.


DFFITS assesses the influence of the ith observation on the fitted values:

$$ \text{DFFITS}_i = \frac{\hat{y}_i - \hat{y}_{i(-i)}}{s_{(i)}} \sqrt{H_{ii}} $$

Where $\hat{y}_i$ is the fitted value with all data, $\hat{y}_{i(-i)}$ without the ith observation, and $s_{(i)}$ is the standard error without the ith observation.

Comparison Table

Aspect Outliers High-Leverage Points Influential Points
Definition Data points with extreme values in the response variable. Observations with extreme predictor variable values. Points that significantly affect regression model estimates.
Detection Methods Box plots, z-scores, residual analysis. Leverage values, leverage plots. Cook's Distance, DFFITS, DFBETAS.
Impact on Regression Can skew results and mask true relationships. Can alter regression line slope and fit. Affect parameter estimates and overall model reliability.
Handling Strategies Verify data accuracy, transformation, exclude if necessary. Investigate causes, consider robust methods. Assess necessity, possibly remove or adjust model.

Summary and Key Takeaways

  • Outliers, high-leverage points, and influential points can significantly impact statistical analyses and regression models.
  • Identifying and understanding these data points is essential for accurate data interpretation and model building.
  • Various statistical measures and plots aid in detecting these points, enabling informed decisions on handling them.
  • Appropriate strategies, such as data verification, transformations, and robust regression techniques, help mitigate their adverse effects.
  • Mastery of these concepts enhances the reliability and validity of statistical conclusions in AP Statistics.

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Examiner Tip


1. Visual Inspection: Always start with scatterplots to visually identify potential outliers, high-leverage, and influential points before diving into calculations.

2. Remember the Thresholds:

  • High-Leverage: $H_{ii} > \frac{2p}{n}$
  • Influential Points: Cook’s Distance $> 1$
  • DFFITS: $> 2\sqrt{\frac{p}{n}}$
Keep these thresholds in mind to quickly assess the significance of data points.

3. Use Mnemonics: Remember OHI for Outliers, High-Leverage, Influential points to categorize and evaluate data points systematically.

4. Practice with Real Data: Enhance your understanding by working with diverse datasets, applying detection methods, and interpreting the impact of various points on regression models.

5. AP Exam Focus: Pay special attention to Cook’s Distance and leverage calculations, as questions on influential points are common in AP Statistics exams.

Did You Know

Did You Know

1. The Old Faithful Geyser: In Yellowstone National Park, the Old Faithful geyser is a classic example of how a high-leverage point can influence predictive models. Its regular eruption pattern can skew regression analyses if not properly accounted for, highlighting the importance of identifying influential points in natural phenomena.

2. Financial Market Anomalies: Outliers are prevalent in financial data, such as stock market crashes or unprecedented booms. These extreme events can significantly impact regression models used for predicting market trends, emphasizing the need for robust statistical techniques to manage such anomalies.

3. Medical Research Implications: In clinical studies, outliers might represent rare side effects of treatments. Properly identifying and analyzing these points can lead to crucial medical breakthroughs or highlight potential risks that standard analyses might overlook.

Common Mistakes

Common Mistakes

Mistake 1: Ignoring High-Leverage Points – Students often overlook points with extreme predictor values, assuming they are outliers in the response variable.
Incorrect Approach: Removing a high-leverage point because it lies far on the x-axis without assessing its influence on the model.
Correct Approach: Evaluating whether the high-leverage point also has a large residual or Cook’s Distance before deciding to remove it.

Mistake 2: Misinterpreting Influential Points – Confusing outliers with influential points can lead to incorrect conclusions about the data.
Incorrect Approach: Assuming all outliers are influential and removing them indiscriminately.
Correct Approach: Using measures like Cook’s Distance or DFFITS to determine the actual influence of each outlier on the regression model.

Mistake 3: Overlooking Multivariate Outliers – Focusing solely on univariate outliers while ignoring combinations of variables that indicate multivariate outliers.
Incorrect Approach: Using box plots for each variable separately without considering their joint behavior.
Correct Approach: Applying techniques like Mahalanobis distance to detect outliers in the context of multiple variables.


What is the difference between an outlier and a high-leverage point?
An outlier is a data point that deviates significantly in the response variable, while a high-leverage point has extreme values in the predictor variables. Both can affect regression models differently.
How do you calculate Cook’s Distance?
Cook’s Distance is calculated using the formula $$D_i = \frac{e_i^2}{p \cdot MSE} \cdot \frac{H_{ii}}{(1 - H_{ii})^2}$$ where $e_i$ is the residual, $p$ is the number of predictors, and $MSE$ is the Mean Squared Error.
Can a data point be both an outlier and high-leverage?
Yes, a data point can be both an outlier and high-leverage, making it potentially influential on the regression model.
What should you do if you find an influential point in your data?
First, verify the data point for accuracy. If it's valid, assess its impact on the model and decide whether to include it, apply a transformation, or use robust regression techniques.
Why are influential points important in regression analysis?
Influential points can disproportionately affect the estimated regression coefficients, leading to biased or misleading conclusions. Identifying them ensures the reliability of the regression model.
How can transformations help with outliers?
Transformations, such as log or square root, can reduce the impact of extreme values by compressing the scale of the data, making the distribution more symmetric and mitigating the influence of outliers.
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